An Important & Neglected Mitzvah!
הסבר בעברית
Chai L’Adam, new project – B’Yachad Itach – provides support to widowed women in Israel. Their plight is often overlooked and they suffer in silence.
This new project will initially help 170 women in Jerusalem who have been widowed. These are Jewish women of all ages, some with children still living at home. Their husbands have died, leaving them alone to cope with all of life’s challenges.
The goal of B’Yachad Itach is to provide respite support and vacation days for these widows, and to expand to support widows from other areas of Israel. Tragically, the current war is creating many more widows who will need our support.
The Torah mandates that we support widows and orphans in our community, and this is what B’Yachad Itach tries to do. Teams of volunteers from Har Nof already organize gifts to send to each widow before Rosh Hashanah and Pesach, and invite them to enjoy an evening program with a nice meal every month.
We would like to invite each of the widows that we support to enjoy a well-earned two-day vacation, once every summer and once in the winter, and to spend one or two inspiring Shabbatot together each year. We know that these short breaks will energize them to get through the long days and nights, weeks and months, that they suffer alone.
We need your help to subsidize these vacations so that they are affordable to women who are already struggling financially. The cost of each vacation is 1,800 NIS (approximately $500) for each woman, and we need to raise 50% of the cost. The volunteers of Chai L’Adam are giving their services free of charge, so that every penny raised goes to help needy widows.
We invite you to contribute to this important mitzvah.
Hashem promises us that in return for making widows happy,
He will make our families happy. That is our Bracha to you.
Please donate multiples of $250 (900 NIS)
to fund each widow’s vacation.
Option 1: Donate through Paypal by clicking here
Option 2: Donate by Bank Transfer to Account #409714577 at Bank Pagi (Branch 182)
Chai L’Adam is a registered charity in Israel and receipts will be provided.
Questions? Contact Sara Vaknin at